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Emergencies & Closures

Inclement Weather

In the event of weather-related or emergency school closure or delay, information will be communicated as follows: 

School closure or delay:

Severe weather conditions that occur during the school day: 

In the event of severe weather conditions that begin during the school day, parents will be notified through local media as well as through our emergency phone system. If schools close early, students will be notified of the early dismissal time. Students who ride the buses will wait for their arrival and will be transported home as usual. Students, who walk, drive or bike to school, may leave at the time of dismissal. Please talk with your children and have a safety and a supervision plan in place in the event this course of action is required. It is critical that school phone lines remain clear for emergency situations.

In the event of any of these inclement weather situations, please refrain from calling the school, unless it is an emergency. It is imperative to keep our phone lines open during these times. 

News sources:

In addition to FlashAlert, the district and school websites, phone calls and emails, you can also find closure information broadcast by the following news sources:

Radio stations that carry school closure information include: KEX, KXL, KUIK, KMUZ, KWBY, KXYZ, KFXX, KOPB, KGON, KXL, KDBX, KISN, KUPL, KWJJ, KKJZ, KKCW, KXYO, KKRZ, KKCW, KXYO, KKRZ, KFXX, KKCW.

Television stations that carry closure information include: KOIN, KATU, KGW.


Please direct any questions about emergency procedures to your child’s principal: 

High School – 503-262-4844

Grade School - 503-262-4842

  • The district instantly publishes the information through Flash Alert. The site is available 24 hours a day. Flash Alert distributes emergency information to news and media outlets.
  • The closure or delay will also be noted on the homepage of each website (, and
  • An email is sent to all parents.
  • An automated emergency phone call is sent to notify parents and staff, typically between 5:30-6 a.m. Phone numbers on record will be used, and parents will receive calls to all of their phones. NOTE: If a decision is made after 10 p.m., you will not receive a call until the next morning. Please check the other vehicles listed above.
  • You will not receive any notification if schools are opening on time. If no information is reported, it means that schools are opening on time.
  • What does a two-hour delay mean? A two hour delay would mean:
    • High School start time – 11 a.m.
    • Grade School start time – 10:30 a.m. 

Emergency Information

  • Student safety is a top priority in the Riverdale School District. Every effort is made to create a welcoming, yet safe, school grounds. The following information will demonstrate our commitment to keeping children safe.

    Command Center

    The school office is considered "Command Center" in the event of any emergency. The school principal or designee takes command of the situation until emergency services arrive. All support staff are to report to the office in the event of an actual emergency to be given check point assignments. Walkie Talkies and cell phone intercoms are given to lead personnel for communication purposes. 

    Fire Drills 

    As required by law, our schools practice a fire drill one time each month. Teachers are given evacuation procedures in their staff handbook and teach students the procedures within the first week of school. Evacuation maps are posted in each room and teachers use the "green card" or "red card" system to alert our command center of problems.

    Earthquake Drills

    Earthquake drills will occur two times during the school year and basically focus on the "drop, cover and hold" system. Teachers are given earthquake procedures in their staff handbook and teach students the procedures within the first week of school. 

    Lock Down Drills 

    Lock Down procedures could be used in any emergency requiring students to stay in the building, as it may be deemed the safest place. Teachers/staff take command of the classroom situation. Doors are to be locked and students are to "cover or hover" as deemed safest by the teacher. Procedures are in the staff handbook.

    Emergency Release

    Parents are asked to fill out the Annual Permission/Emergency/Yearly Release Form as part of the registration update each year. This information gives the office and individual teachers the direction needed in the event of an emergency. 

    Safety Committee

    A building Safety Committee is required by law and meets monthly for both buildings in the District. This committee is to oversee all aspects of student and staff safety on each school site. All safety issues and accident reports filter through this group. 

    SAFE Task Force

    Valuing the social and emotional well-being of students, a SAFE Task Force was created in past years to enhance respect, responsibility and self-esteem on campus. This group has been responsible for parent training events, character education curriculum and parental volunteer programs. 

    Staff Duty

    All staff are to be current with building schedules which includes "duty" time. This position of safety may vary but include; crosswalk duty, recess duty, lunch duty, hall duty, bus duty, etc. Bright colored vests are required for outside positions.

    Snow/Ice/Storm Days

    In the event of extreme weather conditions, school may be canceled for the day. The superintendent makes the decision if it is safe for school to be in session. We use the "All Call" phone system that will alert parents of the cancellation, as well as posting on the school web site. TV stations will also be notified.

    Note: Our head custodian is responsible for the facility and grounds. He does daily checks on certain areas, weekly checks on other areas and a full grounds check each trimester.