Absence Reporting
Please use the RHS attendance email account, rhsattendance@riverdale.k12.or.us instead of emailing an individual employee.
Attendance reporting reminders:
- If your student is going to be absent for all or part of the day, please contact the school before class starts.
- You can also call the main phone line at 503-262-4844 to report attendance to the office or leave a message before the office opens.
- Parents are notified if students are absent from school, so please remember to call ahead for everyone's peace of mind and to avoid any delay in accounting for your student’s whereabouts.
For extended absences:
When students are going to be absent for two or more consecutive days, please fill out a Pre-Arranged Absence Form, found under Resources > Handbooks, Policies & Forms, or at the front desk. The purpose of the form is to make sure that students checks in with all of their teachers (and with the office staff – including the principal) before their absence. When complete, it can be handed to Brittany to be recorded.
Cold or flu? Stay home!
Here are some general guidelines to use in deciding if students should come to school or stay home:
- No student with a temperature over 100.5 degrees should be sent to school. The student should remain at home until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine.
- Any student with a stomach ache, diarrhea, or who cannot keep food down should be kept at home. The student should be kept at home for 24 hours AFTER the symptoms stop.
- No student with a rash should be at school. Consult your medical provider if the rash persists or if there is a fever with a rash.
- No student with colored drainage from eyes or ears should be at school. Contact your health care provider.
- Common cold symptoms include: cough, runny nose, and sore throat are best treated at home if the student is uncomfortable or if the symptoms interfere with classroom work. If these symptoms persist, contact your health care provider.